Windows Infamous Folder.

What happens if you delete System32 folder in Windows?

                                                     Let's see exactly what is System32 folder and where you can find it. You can find it in C:\Windows\System32. System32 folder consists of files which are in the form of  Dynamic-link library which has code and data which are accessible or used by Windows and also third party applications. DLL is a Microsoft's implementation of  shared library concept which are accessible to different applications. These dll files enables functionalities such as Audio and Video playback, Windows update centre, Online video streaming, control panel, DirectX rendering, Encryption and many more. System32  folder not only consists of dll files but also many .exe files, core Windows files, critical files, Drivers and so forth. Many of these files in System32 can't be deleted simply after you boot-up your system since they have already been loaded into the memory. If you delete these files you will end up booting your system next time i.e., you will not be able to boot your system unless you recover your files or you need to re- install O.S. You cannot even use it functions as mentioned above if you delete those files. It restrict you from deleting files and you don't find rename option for System32 folder i.e., you will not be able to rename it. So, if you like to re-install your O.S you can delete those files.

Thank You.


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